Galvenie » 2017 » Marts » 15

Vēsts: 15.03.17. Katrēns "Patiesības Moments"

15.03.17 Катрен "Момент Истины"…………………………………………………….........Quatrain "Moment of Truth"

События заставят определиться!............ Notikumi liks noskaidroties!.....................Events will make you decide!
Точнее, сделать свой выбор! .................. Precīzāk, savu izvēli izdarīt!................More precisely, to make your choice!
Надо на что-то решиться, ......................... Izšķirties par kaut ko vajag,…………….It's necessary to decide for something,
Это уже - ОТБОР! ..................................... Tā jau - ATLASE!...............................That ... Lasīt tālāk »

Skatījumu skaits: 712 | Pievienoja: Eslauma | Datums: 15.03.2017 | Komentāri (0)

Tulkojums! - *8) Radītāja Domu Vēstule "KOPĪBA"
Angļu val.:-*8) Creator's Mind Letter "COMMUNITY"

=…I think, the topic is about these Sacred text preparation for use, read (translated in Latvian, NAD Letters), to understand separate words, concept meaning in everyday communication…-To read text about energy expression through word FAITH. Must learn to understand the depth and breadth of Word, what the Word covers, but not only the manifestation of activity and movement.
=Need to understand, raining- not only drop of water from sky falls to the ground, but cover idea, that drop, contact with ground, moistened, refresh it, unlace forces for growing…
-…and, what drop does, in a contact with a cloth on the human's body, or on naked body and so on… Yes, rain (word) communication results, it's plus and minus.
As well as the word FAITH the expression of energy interaction ... Lasīt tālāk »

Skatījumu skaits: 652 | Pievienoja: Eslauma | Datums: 15.03.2017 | Komentāri (0)