Galvenie » 2017 » Jūlijs » 25

Simbolvēstule *(J) "Informācija!" angļu valodā

Symbol letter *(J) "Information!"

We, the information wave of 4th. How did we go in the attack on the works of the Black World. There are sharp things in front of us, must be ready for the slippers. There still important, that Hearers understand, that we have nothing to hate, that we must overcome circumstances, the ones coming in front of us. Then can be talk about it later, that we melt all the negatives in the Love. No matter what blackness landed in the Earth life, they have to be collected, melted in the heat of Love.
There is no need to attack on them, only gentle consideration, carefully, waiting, when disembarkation will start, then everything will be done by itself. The ranks of Our Light Chain will become richer. The warmth of Love will increase in the Space, negation will seek their own asylum. But, when the blackness is gone, White itself starts to do the ... Lasīt tālāk »

Skatījumu skaits: 649 | Pievienoja: Eslauma | Datums: 25.07.2017 | Komentāri (0)

Vēsts: 25.07.17. Katrēns "Viens par visiem vai Pravietis" - **
(- *: Текст Катрена на русском, латышском языке с предложением Символписьма на латышском, английском языке *(J) "Informācija!" / *(Н) "Информация!", публикована: c переводом:​ /25.07.2017., 
(-**: Текст Катрена на русском, латышском, английском языке)

25.07.17 Катрен "Один за всех или Пророк"................................Quatrain "One for all or the Prophet"

Как много Пророков было, ...........Cik daudz Praviešu bija,………….How many Prophets were,
Но не изменился Мир, .. ... Lasīt tālāk »

Skatījumu skaits: 626 | Pievienoja: Eslauma | Datums: 25.07.2017 | Komentāri (0)