Simbolvēstule *(DS) "Jāieklausās Sevī!" angļu valodā
*(DS) "Must listen to yourself!"
All Light Workers, all Light Contestants! You must start the Holy Work- the distribution of Light- Knowledge. Also human child, the "little" snapper must know, that there is God- Creator, that He invites all to wake up to the Light brightly; for each "small" or "big" to be free and to give freedom to children for their grandchildren! Build a New Life, where is no organizer of necklace, but there is Human Himself- ABLE TO UNDERSTAND, what and how must do, when want to live in Happiness!
First of all, you must listen to oldest, heartfelt, in your own Family. And not so important, He is man or woman, it's important, that knows God- Creator. Knowing, maybe he has heard His (God-Creator) Teaching, which through His Messenger Leonid Maslov, dictates to ALL Earth People in Revelations, Explanations, Messages, Dictations already
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